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28 декабря 2022 (среда)
С Новым годом!
Концертный хор дал сольный концерт в Больнице Святого Георгия

28 декабря, в преддверии Нового Года и Рождества, в больнице Святого Георгия состоялся концерт Хора мальчиков Санкт-Петербурга под руководством Вадима Пчёлкина для сотрудников и мобильных пациентов основного корпуса стационара.

Концерт проходил в сопровождении знаменитого белого рояля больницы. В программе прозвучали русские и западно-европейские духовные произведения, песни Валерия Гаврилина, а также народные и рождественские песни.

Акустика главного холла будто бы специально была спроектирована для хоровых выступлений. Каждое сочинение, будь то протяжное духовное песнопение или весёлая народная песня, звучало под высокими сводами так, словно концерт хора проходил в Зале Академической Капеллы.

Среди сотрудников больницы Святого Георгия, присутствующих на концерте, оказался выпускник нашей Хоровой студии – Дмитрий Хаткевич, который пел много лет назад в самом первом составе хора. Сейчас Дмитрий является высококвалифицированным специалистом и работает врачом-реаниматологом, спасая жизни людей.

Художественный руководитель хора, Вадим Александрович Пчёлкин, поздравил сотрудников и пациентов больницы с наступающим Новым Годом и Рождеством: "Мы хотим поздравить Вас с наступающими праздниками и исполнить музыкальные произведения, объединяющие людей по всему миру! Будьте здоровы и счастливы в Новом Году!".


Connected to h003312188_boychoir Resource id #7
Resource id #7,getExistingId(): SELECT id FROM addr where ip = '';
Resource id #7,getMaxId(): SELECT MAX(id) FROM addr;
Resource id #7,getId(): insert into addr values ('98639','','','','');
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT mode FROM addr where id = '98639';
Resource id #7,getExistingId(): SELECT id FROM addr where ip = '';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT mode FROM addr where id = '98639';
Resource id #7,getFullDate(): select id from article where lang='ru' and time >= 1672174800 AND time < 1672261200 order by time;
Resource id #7,getArticle(): SELECT * FROM article WHERE id=1082 and lang='ru';
Resource id #7,getTagsForArticle(): select tag from article2tag where id='1082' and lang='ru' group by tag;
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19686';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19673';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19676';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19675';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19677';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19674';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19680';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19678';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19679';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19681';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19682';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19683';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19684';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19685';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19687';
Resource id #7,getOtherLink: SELECT id FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time < 1672219375 ORDER BY TIME DESC LIMIT 1;
Resource id #7,getOtherLink: SELECT id FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time > 1672219375 ORDER BY TIME ASC LIMIT 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1722459600 and time < 1753995600 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1722459600' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1690837200 and time < 1722459600 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1690837200' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1659301200 and time < 1690837200 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1659301200' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1627765200 and time < 1659301200 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1627765200' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1596229200 and time < 1627765200 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1596229200' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1564606800 and time < 1596229200 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1564606800' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1533070800 and time < 1564606800 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1533070800' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1501534800 and time < 1533070800 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1501534800' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1469998800 and time < 1501534800 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1469998800' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1438376400 and time < 1469998800 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1438376400' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1406836800 and time < 1438376400 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1406836800' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1375300800 and time < 1406836800 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1375300800' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1343764800 and time < 1375300800 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1343764800' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1312142400 and time < 1343764800 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1312142400' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1280606400 and time < 1312142400 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1280606400' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1249070400 and time < 1280606400 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1249070400' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1217534400 and time < 1249070400 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1217534400' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1185912000 and time < 1217534400 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1185912000' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1154376000 and time < 1185912000 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1154376000' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1122840000 and time < 1154376000 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1122840000' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1091304000 and time < 1122840000 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1091304000' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1059681600 and time < 1091304000 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1059681600' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1028145600 and time < 1059681600 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1028145600' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 996609600 and time < 1028145600 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '996609600' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 965073600 and time < 996609600 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '965073600' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 933451200 and time < 965073600 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '933451200' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 901915200 and time < 933451200 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '901915200' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 870379200 and time < 901915200 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '870379200' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 838843200 and time < 870379200 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '838843200' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 807220800 and time < 838843200 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '807220800' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 775684800 and time < 807220800 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '775684800' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 744148800 and time < 775684800 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '744148800' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 712612800 and time < 744148800 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '712612800' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 680994000 and time < 712612800 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '680994000' limit 1;
Resource id #7,showReplies(): select * from message where parent=0 AND uri = '/news/2022/12/28' order by time desc;
Resource id #7,getTagsForArticle(): select tag from article2tag where id='1082' and lang='ru' group by tag;
Resource id #7,existingTagStrict(): select tag from article2tag where BINARY tag='Вадим Пчёлкин' and lang='ru';
Resource id #7,existingTagStrict(): select tag from article2tag where BINARY tag='Валерий Гаврилин' and lang='ru';
Resource id #7,existingTagStrict(): select tag from article2tag where BINARY tag='Санкт-Петербург' and lang='ru';
getId(): Error executing query insert into addr values ('98639','','','',''); Duplicate entry '98639' for key 'PRIMARY'