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6 ноября 2022 (воскресенье)
Концертный хор дал сольный концерт в г. Череповец

Заметно похолодало. Шкала уличного термометра утром показывала пять градусов ниже нуля, но это обстоятельство никак не помешало нам совершить автобусную экскурсию по городу Череповец, познакомиться с его историей, современной жизнью, особенностями, а также сделать много фотографий.

Вечерний концерт состоялся в зале Филармонического собрания. Концерту предшествовала сложная репетиция, на которой в первую очередь необходимо было отрепетировать три произведения: «Уходит лето» Вильяма Тормиса, спиричуэл «Soon Ah Will Be Done» и «Cantate Domine» Марка Хайза. И если первые два сочинения хор отрепетировал довольно успешно, то до произведения Хайза дело так и не дошло, так как большую часть репетиции заняла работа над созданием звуковой имитации джунглей в «The Lion Sleeps Tonight». Это была сложная работа, ведь все прежние исполнители диких лесных обитателей перешли из детского хора в юношеский, а новые открыты не были. На поиск звуковых красок природы и звериных тембров было потрачено много сил и времени. Песня «Пока лев спит» достойно завершила большую сольную программу, несмотря на то, что молодые мартышки, павианы, попугаи и рептилии ещё не набрались достаточной смелости, яркости и свободы.

Публика тепло принимала хор, и на то были свои основания. После концерта в Великом Новгороде хор сделал огромный рывок вперёд. Многие произведения исполнялись увереннее, у мальчиков появилась исполнительская выдержка, а в некоторых фрагментах концерта даже кураж.

Уже в который раз нашла подтверждение старая истина: хор мальчиков создаётся на гастролях.


Connected to h003312188_boychoir Resource id #7
Resource id #7,getExistingId(): SELECT id FROM addr where ip = '';
Resource id #7,getMaxId(): SELECT MAX(id) FROM addr;
Resource id #7,getId(): insert into addr values ('88434','','','','');
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT mode FROM addr where id = '88434';
Resource id #7,getExistingId(): SELECT id FROM addr where ip = '';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT mode FROM addr where id = '88434';
Resource id #7,getFullDate(): select id from article where lang='ru' and time >= 1667682000 AND time < 1667768400 order by time;
Resource id #7,getArticle(): SELECT * FROM article WHERE id=1074 and lang='ru';
Resource id #7,getTagsForArticle(): select tag from article2tag where id='1074' and lang='ru' group by tag;
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19528';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19529';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19530';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19531';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19532';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19533';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19534';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19535';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19536';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19537';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19538';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19541';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19540';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19539';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19542';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19543';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19544';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19545';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19546';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19547';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19548';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19549';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19550';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19551';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19552';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19553';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19566';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19554';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19555';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19556';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19557';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19558';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19559';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19560';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19561';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19562';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19563';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19565';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT href FROM foto where id = '19564';
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Resource id #7,getOtherLink: SELECT id FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time > 1667682493 ORDER BY TIME ASC LIMIT 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1722459600 and time < 1753995600 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1722459600' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1690837200 and time < 1722459600 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1690837200' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1659301200 and time < 1690837200 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1659301200' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1627765200 and time < 1659301200 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1627765200' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1596229200 and time < 1627765200 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1596229200' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1564606800 and time < 1596229200 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1564606800' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1533070800 and time < 1564606800 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1533070800' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1501534800 and time < 1533070800 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1501534800' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1469998800 and time < 1501534800 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1469998800' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1438376400 and time < 1469998800 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1438376400' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1406836800 and time < 1438376400 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1406836800' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1375300800 and time < 1406836800 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1375300800' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1343764800 and time < 1375300800 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1343764800' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1312142400 and time < 1343764800 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1312142400' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1280606400 and time < 1312142400 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1280606400' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1249070400 and time < 1280606400 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1249070400' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1217534400 and time < 1249070400 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1217534400' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1185912000 and time < 1217534400 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1185912000' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1154376000 and time < 1185912000 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1154376000' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1122840000 and time < 1154376000 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1122840000' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1091304000 and time < 1122840000 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1091304000' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1059681600 and time < 1091304000 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1059681600' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 1028145600 and time < 1059681600 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '1028145600' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 996609600 and time < 1028145600 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '996609600' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 965073600 and time < 996609600 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '965073600' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 933451200 and time < 965073600 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '933451200' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 901915200 and time < 933451200 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '901915200' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 870379200 and time < 901915200 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '870379200' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 838843200 and time < 870379200 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '838843200' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 807220800 and time < 838843200 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '807220800' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 775684800 and time < 807220800 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '775684800' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 744148800 and time < 775684800 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '744148800' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 712612800 and time < 744148800 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '712612800' limit 1;
Resource id #7,isSeasonNotEmpty(): SELECT time FROM article WHERE lang='ru' and time >= 680994000 and time < 712612800 limit 1
Resource id #7,listDiarySeasons(): select time from article where lang='ru' and time < '680994000' limit 1;
Resource id #7,showReplies(): select * from message where parent=0 AND uri = '/news/2022/11/6/1' order by time desc;
Resource id #7,getTagsForArticle(): select tag from article2tag where id='1074' and lang='ru' group by tag;
Resource id #7,existingTagStrict(): select tag from article2tag where BINARY tag='Череповец' and lang='ru';
Resource id #7,existingTagStrict(): select tag from article2tag where BINARY tag='гастроли' and lang='ru';
getId(): Error executing query insert into addr values ('88434','','','',''); Duplicate entry '88434' for key 'PRIMARY'