Запись на прослушивание
Connected to h003312188_boychoir Resource id #7
Resource id #7,getExistingId(): SELECT id FROM addr where ip = '';
Resource id #7,getMaxId(): SELECT MAX(id) FROM addr;
Resource id #7,getId(): insert into addr values ('98195','','','','');
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT mode FROM addr where id = '98195';
Resource id #7,getExistingId(): SELECT id FROM addr where ip = '';
Resource id #7,getValue(): SELECT mode FROM addr where id = '98195';
Resource id #7,getYearSelector(): select year from foto group by year order by year desc;
Resource id #7,getMonthSelector(): select month from foto where year = 2009 group by month order by month desc;
Resource id #7,getFotoDays(): select date from foto where year = 2009 and month = 12 group by date order by date desc;
Resource id #7,getFotoSelector(): select * from foto where year = 2009 and month = 12 and date = 27 order by year, month, date, id;
Resource id #7,getPeople(): SELECT person_id, pre, name, post FROM foto2person WHERE foto2person.id = 510 ORDER BY ord;
Resource id #7,getArticle4foto(): SELECT article.id, article.title FROM article, foto2article WHERE foto2article.article_id = article.id AND foto2article.foto_id = 510 AND article.lang = 'ru' GROUP BY article.id;
Resource id #7,getPeople(): SELECT person_id, pre, name, post FROM foto2person WHERE foto2person.id = 511 ORDER BY ord;
Resource id #7,getPeople(): SELECT id,fname,mname,lname FROM person WHERE id=60;
Resource id #7,getArticle4foto(): SELECT article.id, article.title FROM article, foto2article WHERE foto2article.article_id = article.id AND foto2article.foto_id = 511 AND article.lang = 'ru' GROUP BY article.id;
Resource id #7,getPeople(): SELECT person_id, pre, name, post FROM foto2person WHERE foto2person.id = 512 ORDER BY ord;
Resource id #7,getPeople(): SELECT id,fname,mname,lname FROM person WHERE id=8;
Resource id #7,getPeople(): SELECT id,fname,mname,lname FROM person WHERE id=22;
Resource id #7,getArticle4foto(): SELECT article.id, article.title FROM article, foto2article WHERE foto2article.article_id = article.id AND foto2article.foto_id = 512 AND article.lang = 'ru' GROUP BY article.id;
Resource id #7,getPeople(): SELECT person_id, pre, name, post FROM foto2person WHERE foto2person.id = 513 ORDER BY ord;
Resource id #7,getPeople(): SELECT id,fname,mname,lname FROM person WHERE id=3;
Resource id #7,getPeople(): SELECT id,fname,mname,lname FROM person WHERE id=36;
Resource id #7,getPeople(): SELECT id,fname,mname,lname FROM person WHERE id=32;
Resource id #7,getArticle4foto(): SELECT article.id, article.title FROM article, foto2article WHERE foto2article.article_id = article.id AND foto2article.foto_id = 513 AND article.lang = 'ru' GROUP BY article.id;
Resource id #7,getPeople(): SELECT person_id, pre, name, post FROM foto2person WHERE foto2person.id = 514 ORDER BY ord;
Resource id #7,getPeople(): SELECT id,fname,mname,lname FROM person WHERE id=18;
Resource id #7,getPeople(): SELECT id,fname,mname,lname FROM person WHERE id=122;
Resource id #7,getPeople(): SELECT id,fname,mname,lname FROM person WHERE id=128;
Resource id #7,getPeople(): SELECT id,fname,mname,lname FROM person WHERE id=17;
Resource id #7,getPeople(): SELECT id,fname,mname,lname FROM person WHERE id=33;
Resource id #7,getArticle4foto(): SELECT article.id, article.title FROM article, foto2article WHERE foto2article.article_id = article.id AND foto2article.foto_id = 514 AND article.lang = 'ru' GROUP BY article.id;
getId(): Error executing query insert into addr values ('98195','','','',''); Duplicate entry '98195' for key 'PRIMARY'