Запись на прослушивание
Сезон 2024-2025


29 октября 2010 (пятница)
Невские хоровые ассамблеи
Георгий Васильевич Свиридов

Грусть просторов — стихи Ф. Сологуба

Маленькая кантата «Снег идёт» на стихи Б. Пастернака
1. Снег идёт
2. Душа
3. Ночь

Романс из иллюстраций к повести А. Пушкина «Метель»

Слева поле, справа поле

Пять фрагментов из цикла «Отчалившая Русь» на стихи С. Есенина
в редакции В. Пчёлкина

1. Осень
2. Я покинул родимый дом
3. Отвори мне страж заоблачный
4. Серебристая дорога
5. Отчалившая Русь
Набережная реки Мойки, дом 20
Начало в 19:00
Connected to h003312188_boychoir Resource id #9
Resource id #9,getExistingId(): SELECT id FROM addr where ip = '';
Resource id #9,getMaxId(): SELECT MAX(id) FROM addr;
Resource id #9,getId(): insert into addr values ('94495','','','','');
Resource id #9,getValue(): SELECT mode FROM addr where id = '94495';
Resource id #9,getExistingId(): SELECT id FROM addr where ip = '';
Resource id #9,getValue(): SELECT mode FROM addr where id = '94495';
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date >= '2024-8-1' and date < '2025-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date < '2024-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date >= '2023-8-1' and date < '2024-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date < '2023-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date >= '2022-8-1' and date < '2023-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date < '2022-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date >= '2021-8-1' and date < '2022-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date < '2021-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date >= '2020-8-1' and date < '2021-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date < '2020-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date >= '2019-8-1' and date < '2020-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date < '2019-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date >= '2018-8-1' and date < '2019-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date < '2018-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date >= '2017-8-1' and date < '2018-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date < '2017-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date >= '2016-8-1' and date < '2017-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date < '2016-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date >= '2015-8-1' and date < '2016-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date < '2015-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date >= '2014-8-1' and date < '2015-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date < '2014-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date >= '2013-8-1' and date < '2014-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date < '2013-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date >= '2012-8-1' and date < '2013-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date < '2012-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date >= '2011-8-1' and date < '2012-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date < '2011-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date >= '2010-8-1' and date < '2011-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date < '2010-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date >= '2009-8-1' and date < '2010-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date < '2009-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date >= '2008-8-1' and date < '2009-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date < '2008-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date >= '2007-8-1' and date < '2008-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date < '2007-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date >= '2006-8-1' and date < '2007-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date < '2006-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date >= '2005-8-1' and date < '2006-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date < '2005-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date >= '2004-8-1' and date < '2005-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date < '2004-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date >= '2003-8-1' and date < '2004-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date < '2003-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date >= '2002-8-1' and date < '2003-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date < '2002-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date >= '2001-8-1' and date < '2002-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date < '2001-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date >= '2000-8-1' and date < '2001-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date < '2000-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date >= '1999-8-1' and date < '2000-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date < '1999-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date >= '1998-8-1' and date < '1999-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date < '1998-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date >= '1997-8-1' and date < '1998-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date < '1997-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date >= '1996-8-1' and date < '1997-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date < '1996-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date >= '1995-8-1' and date < '1996-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date < '1995-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date >= '1994-8-1' and date < '1995-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date < '1994-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date >= '1993-8-1' and date < '1994-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date < '1993-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,listConcertSeasons(): select date from concert where date >= '1992-8-1' and date < '1993-8-1' limit 1;
Resource id #9,getRowForId: select * from concert where id = 77;
getId(): Error executing query insert into addr values ('94495','','','',''); Duplicate entry '94495' for key 'PRIMARY'